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Ecommerce Pulse

The essential blog & podcast for ecommerce entrepreneurs

56: How to use content marketing to grow your ecommerce business, with Casandra Campbell


Casandra Campbell is the managing editor of the Shopify blog, so she's got serious chops when it comes to content marketing. Shopify's content team publishes at least 5 blog posts a week on the main Shopify blog, and this content marketing plays a huge role in driving new visitors to Shopify.

Casandra has also worked as a holistic marketing consultant in the past, and she is a cofounder of Liberty Village Brewing Company, a craft brewer in Toronto.

Here's an overview of the topics we discuss on the show:

  • How long should you plan on doing content marketing to see results?
  • How often should you publish blog posts?
  • After you publish great content, how can you promote it to drive traffic?
  • When reaching out to influencers, how can you make it more likely that they’ll read your email pitch and share your content?
  • Why do most ecommerce store blogs flounder, and how can you make one that really engages your audience and drives lots of traffic?
  • How Casandra works her job at Shopify while also running a brewing company on the side with her friends
  • The tools and techniques she uses to collaborate and run the brewing business
  • Waking up naturally—why it’s one of the biggest positive changes Casandra’s made in her life

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55: How to write amazing copy that generates sales, with Stephanie Simon


What is copywriting? How can doing it well help you make more sales with your ecommerce store? What's a customer avatar, and how can you develop one that will help you write amazing copy for your online store? How can you work as a freelancer writer while traveling the world?

All shall be revealed in this conversation with Stephanie Simon.

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54: Catching up with Richard Lazazzera on Facebook groups, SEO tricks, our own ecom stores, and more


Richard Lazazzera of A Better Lemonade Stand has been building an active Facebook community for ecommerce entrepreneurs. He's also focusing on SEO, using SEMRush to figure out new keywords to focus on and outrank his competitors. We talk about our ecommerce stores, plans for the future (possibly developing our own products), and the "free plus shipping" ecommerce model.

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53: How to double your audience through blogger outreach, with Kai Davis


Kai Davis is an outreach consultant, which means that he helps his clients get featured in other blogs and podcasts by building relationships with influencers. In this episode, Kai and I talk about how to identify the right influencers to reach out to, how to craft an effective cold email sequence, and the tools he uses to systematize his outreach.

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52: Getting started selling on Amazon, with Shabbir Nooruddin


Shabbir started selling baking mats on Amazon, and failed. Then he tried a second product and did $5996.13 in revenue during the first 50 days. In this episode we discuss how he did it, how to tell which products are selling on Amazon, how he got his initial customer reviews, and what's next.

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