Monthly Maintenance & Updates: Terms of Service (3 hours per month)

By submitting payment, you (the Client) are hiring the Provider, (Envision) to proceed with web design and development services, and you agree to the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement.

Beginning on the date that the Client's first payment is submitted, the Provider agrees to devote up to 3 hours per month to assignments to be determined by the Client. Work priority and scheduling will be at the discretion of the Client. The normal turnaround time for tasks assigned by the Client to the Provider will be approximately 1-3 business days.

Payment for these services will be made to the Provider at a flat rate of $275 USD per month and will be made for the following month on the 1st of each month that this Agreement is in force. Automatic billing will be set up, so no invoice will be submitted.

Web design and development services exceeding 3 hours per month will be made available by the Provider at the rate of $100 per hour and will be billed separately.

Any expenses exclusive of normal overhead are not included in this Agreement and will be billed separately. Examples of such expenses include: delivery services, stock photography, website templates, and third-party applications or services. All invoices will be net 15.

Description of Services

The services included in this retainer include custom website design and website development on the Client's Shopify website. In addition, the retainer includes time spent on phone calls or in meetings with the Client.

Ownership of Work

Any materials, intellectual property, or other assets furnished by the Client will remain the property of Client and will be returned upon request, or no more than 10 days from the termination of this Agreement.

The results of any and all work performed by the Provider for the Client, including original creative work, will remain the property of the Client.

Modifications to this Agreement

If the Client wishes to increase or decrease the number of hours reserved per month, the Client may request this modification in writing at any time, with the modified retainer to go into effect within 30 days. However, any requested increase in the number of hours reserved per month is subject to the Provider's availability to accept additional work.

The Provider reserves the right to change the monthly rate and/or hourly rate with 30 days' written notice. If the Client does not wish to accept the new monthly rate, the Client may terminate this Agreement. Any change in the monthly and/or hourly rate will not affect the other terms of this Agreement.

Trial Period

The first 30 days that this Agreement is in place will be a Trial Period. During the Trial Period, the Client may request a change in the following month's number of hours or terminate this Agreement with no notice. After the Trial Period, this Agreement may be terminated on 30 days’ written notice by either the Provider or the Client.