EP 019: Ecommerce is a Bear (4 strategies for competing against Amazon)

Today I'm joined by Shabbir Nooruddin of BootstrappingEcommerce.com for a discussion of Andy Dunn's article, "E-Commerce is a Bear." The basic idea behind the article is this: Big ecommerce companies like Amazon are like grizzly bears--they are the apex predators who annihilate or consume anything in their path. How can smaller ecommerce companies even begin to compete against Amazon's ferocious price competition and scale?

Andy discusses 4 strategies for competing against Amazon, so Shabbir and I decided to give a summary of those strategies while also sharing our own own thoughts, as well as giving a few real-world examples of ecommerce companies who are using these strategies. Our goal in sharing these tips and examples is to help other small, bootstrapped ecommerce ventures like ours and yours better position ourselves to compete in this tough playing field.

To hear the episode, click play below or download in iTunes.

Links referenced during the show:

Quote of the week:

"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them." ~ Denis Waitley

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Hey Leighton,

Thanks again for having me on the show! I forgot to mention this on air, but thank you very much for including me in your list of top blogs – it means a lot and I’m glad we have the chance to work together!

Good luck with everything!




Good stuff as always Leighton! Kind of overwhelming how many different angles you can attack eCommerce from.

The idea of building a following on facebook before launching a store is the most interesting. What a great way to validate an idea!


Thanks Donnie! Yeah, I think the Facebook flash sale idea is really interesting—you don’t even need a website to try something out.

Leighton Taylor

Thanks for being on the show, Shabbir! I really enjoyed the discussion. Yeah, I think you’re putting out some great stuff on your blog and am happy to send people your way. :)

Leighton Taylor

Hey Leighton, great podcast as usual!

And Shabbir, just a heads up, your homepage throws a code error at the top!

“// START CUSTOM CODE function old2new() { this.addTrans = addTrans; this._addItem = addItem; this.trackTrans = trackTrans; } function addTrans(orderID,store,total,tax,shipping,city,state,country) { // remap _addTrans gaq.push([’setAccount’, ‘UA-45154177-1’]); gaq.push([’addTrans’, orderID, store, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country ]); } function addItem(orderID,sku,product,variation,price,qty) { // remap _addItem gaq.push([’addItem’, orderID, sku, product, variation, price, qty ]); } function trackTrans() { gaq.push([’trackTrans’]); } var pageTracker = new old2new(); // END CUSTOM CODE”

I’m using Chrome on mac in incognito!

All the Best,



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