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Ecommerce Pulse

The essential blog & podcast for ecommerce entrepreneurs

5 ways to support yourself financially while bootstrapping an online business


Entrepreneurs are a different kind of people. They are never completely satisfied with the normal, acceptable lifestyle commonly called "successful" by the rest of society. This traditional "success" often includes a good job, a nice house with a 30-year mortgage, a couple of nice cars (on which it's considered OK to owe a lot of money), a few weeks of vacation every year from the job you don't really enjoy, etc.

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How I chose the niche for my new online store


I'm very excited to share with you that I've recently settled on a niche for my new online store. For the past two months or so, I've been doing a good bit of brainstorming, research, and analyzing of ideas for potential products to sell, and I think (slash hope) that I've done a decent job of selecting a niche.

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Building an online business for freedom, independence, and fulfillment


In the past year, I've had the amazing opportunity to start my own business, work from home, and enjoy the freedom of being my own boss. Right now I'm sitting in a hotel lobby, sipping coffee and working on my laptop, since my wife and I are currently traveling and working on the road. It's an incredibly free feeling to be able to pick up and travel whenever we want to, not having jobs to tie us down. I've always had that entrepreneurial bug--always having a new business idea and wanting to start something new--but it wasn't until this past year that my business grew enough to support us full-time.

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How to add tabs to product pages in Shopify


Adding tabs to your product pages is not difficult--all you have to do is copy and paste a little code here and there. There are two different ways of adding tabs, depending on how you want them to function, so continue reading about the two methods below.

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5 ways to test demand for your product before building an online store


Before starting an online store, it's important to find out if there is enough demand for your product. I would highly recommend NOT ordering $10,000 worth of doggy snowsuits from a Chinese manufacturer without first knowing if people are going to want to buy them! Spending money on R&D or inventory without first determining demand is a great way to flush all your startup capital down the toilet.

No matter how great you think your idea is, make sure you know some solid facts about the demand for your product before investing a lot of time and money in your idea.

I'm going to explain several different ways to test market demand, but it's probably best to use some combination of these.

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