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Ecommerce Pulse

The essential blog & podcast for ecommerce entrepreneurs

The biggest threat to your success with ecommerce: what you need to know!


In my experience working with numerous budding ecommerce entrepreneurs, I've seen one mistake trip people up over and over again. It's something that we've probably all experienced at some point in our lives (in general life circumstances), and if you aren't careful there's a good chance it will kill your chances of success with ecommerce. What is this dangerous problem? 

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Why start an ecommerce store?


I firmly believe that deep down inside, most people have the desire to own their own businesses. Maybe it's something about human nature--we like freedom, we like control, we like success. If you ask any random person on the street if they'd rather work for someone else or own their own business, I'd bet almost anything that most people would choose the latter.

You know what that feels like--that's why you're reading this sentence right now. You have that desire, and I completely understand, as I have the same gnawing urge. So how can you do this successfully? Is it really possible to build a business to where you can quit your job, be your own boss, and even make a lot of money?

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How to edit the CSS of your Shopify theme


Some of the tutorials here at Ecommerce Pulse require you to edit the CSS for your Shopify theme. If you're not a web developer, you may not be sure how to edit this, so this post will simply show you where to go to find it. 1. Log in to your Shopify Admin. 2. In the sidebar on the left, click on "Online Store." 2. You'll be on the "Themes" page by default. Click on the "..." button for your currently published theme, then click "Edit HTML/CSS." 3. On the left side, scroll down to the Assets folder, then click on...

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